Supporting you to stay compliant.

Fire Safety Certificates, Annual and Supplementary Fire Safety Statements

Planning NSW has now issued the approved forms for the Fire Safety Certificates and Annual and Supplementary Fire Safety Statements.

A Fire Safety Statement is similar to the Fire Safety Certificate and it states that each essential fire safety measures has been assessed by a properly qualified person and was found, when it was assessed, to be capable of performing to a standard no less than that specified in a schedule or, where not mentioned in a schedule, to a standard no less than that to which the measure was originally designed and implemented. 

It is important that building owners are aware of these fire safety requirements. Failure to comply with these requirements is an offence and the owner will face substantial penalties. But more importantly, a failure to meet these requirements can significantly affect the fire safety of the occupants of the building, which may then threaten their lives as well as having significant liability implications for the building owner.

Building owners need to be aware of the date on which the fire safety statement must be submitted to the Council, and to make the necessary arrangements for the fire safety measures to be inspected and certified prior to the due date.

To arrange for the essential fire safety services to be inspected and to obtain a fire safety statement, owners can employ the services of Eversure Fire Protection, a consultant suitably qualified and fully aware of the relevant legislative and Building Code of Australia requirements.

In the case of residential flat buildings or other strata buildings, the owner’s corporation is advised to make prior arrangements, including the allocation of funds, for Eversure Fire Protection to inspect the premises and to provide the required certification upon the due date annually.

To assist you in understanding the process of completing and submitting the new AFSS format we have included a sample copy in the below link. This will need to be completed by the building owner or their agent, Eversure can assist in this process however we will require a letter of consent to submit on the owners behalf.

Review our Example AFSS.

Download the official form as provided by the NSW government.

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As your fire protection contractor, we will collaborate and work with you to find solutions to your specific requirements.